Help us be better, Runnin Riot Mailorder needs your help

What would you change from our website?
Is there anything you don't like?
Do you think the desing should change?
Do you think the product categories is ok?
Do you have any suggestions or ideas we should include in our web?

There is loads of questions you and we can make regarding Runnin Riot Mailorder online shop, your opinion and suggestions are very important for us. If you think we are doing anything wrong, anything we could change or incorporate to our online shop, any ideas or suggestions are welcome, please let us know.  We open this line so you can send us your ideas, suggestions or report any errors or things you think we should change from the shop, you can either fill in this form or send us an email to  letting us know your suggestions and ideas. Help us have a better website.



NOTE: If you send any suggestions about things to change in our site you have seen in other sites please send us their link (URL) so we can check it. Thanks